Sweet Potato Pie

The Best

The best southern style Sweet Potato Pie, perfect for Thanksgiving dessert. Made with a buttery crust and delicious sweet potato, you'll keep coming back for more. We love this easy recipe!

Let's Get Started!

Follow These Easy-To-Follow Instructions for success!

White Scribbled Underline


Use a fork to prick holes around the sweet potatoes. Microwave for 3 minutes, flip over then microwave 3 minutes more. Cook in 1 minute intervals until completely coft. Allow to cool then remove skins.  .


Place pie crust in 9" pie plate and preheat oven to 400° F. Place sweet potatoes and milk in a blender and blend until perfectly smooth.


Add the sugars, eggs, butter and spices then mix until well combined and smooth. You're almost done with your sweet potato pie!


Pour the batter into the pie plate and bake 45 minutes until done. Cool before serving.

"I fell in love with it and this recipe for sweet potato pie- it is better than any one I've had before. I will be making this again for Thanksgiving."


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